lunedì 11 dicembre 2017

96th anniversary of 1st transatlantic shortwave transmission

Monday, December 11th, will mark the 96th anniversary of the first message to ever be sent across the Atlantic Ocean using shortwave frequencies.

The original event in 1921 was called "The Transatlantic Tests" and was organized to determine if amateur radio signals could be heard in Europe using short wave frequencies.

Several (amateur) stations will be participating by establishing contacts between the U.S. and Europe including:

N1BCG (Greenwich, CT - where the first successful message was sent by 1BCG)

GM7VSB (Ardossan, Scotland - where the receiving station was located)

KB3WFV (Chesapeake Bay, MD)

W2PA (Millbrook, NY)

N1ALF (Greenwich, CT)

Bands and frequencies have not been set to permit flexibility due to propagation, but will likely begin during the day (Eastern U.S.) on 20 meters USB.

Additional information can be found at: