domenica 21 settembre 2014

Radio Activity 1395 kHz, Italy

Questo pomeriggio è in onda Radio Activity con trasmissione sperimentale su 1395 kHz. Ottimo segnale a Forlì; la stazione dovrebbe trovarsi in zona Bologna-Ferrara. Musica non stop e identificazione in italiano, inglese e tedesco. Ha annunciato l'email per i rapporti d'ascolto: radioactivity1395 chiocciola libero punto it

This afternoon 21 September 2014 (Italian time) Radio Activity, an Italian "indipendent" MW station, is testing on 1395 kHz with non stop music and IDs in Italian, English and German. It announced an email address: radioactivity1395 at libero dot it

It's located in Emilia Romagna region, northern Italy. Very irregularly active; recently I heard it on 15 August as well. It's an easy daytimer for me, with good signal on a clear channel.

Fabrizio Magrone (Forli, Italy)