venerdì 25 ottobre 2013

VOA Radiogram, Oct 26-27, will test new MFSK64L and 128L modes

The new long-interleave versions of MFSK64 and MFSK128 will be tested on VOA Radiogram during the weekend of October 26-27 2013.

MFSK64L and MFSK128L are fast modes, but with the interleaving, they might be able to withstand the rigors of long distance shortwave.

More information here:

The VOA Radiogram schedule is unchanged in the B13 season:

(all days and times UTC)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1300-1330 6095 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.