martedì 27 dicembre 2011


ARISS contact planned with students in Gdansk, Poland.

Saturday December 31, 2011 a radio contact is planned with students in Historical Museum of Gdansk in Poland. Expectedly, the contact will be established at approximately 14:04 UTC, which is 15:04 CEWT. Amateur radio station SP2ZIE will call OR4ISS. The conversation with NASA astronaut Daniel C. Burbank KC5ZSX will be conducted in English. Downlink signals with the astronaut's answers will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM. The event will be live broadcast in streaming video on

ARISS contact planned with students in Zuromin, Poland.

Monday January 2, 2012 at approximately 12:05 UTC which is 13.05 CEWT, a radio contact is planned with students in a school in Zuromin, Poland. Amateur radio station SP5PMD will call OR4ISS. The conversation will be conducted in English. Downlink signals with the astronaut's answers will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

Enrico, IZ2NXF