domenica 17 febbraio 2008

DX Camp in Lomas de Solymar (25 kms to east from Montevideo, Uruguay)

Past weekend I enjoyed a DX Camp in Lomas de Solymar (25 kms to east from Montevideo, Uruguay).
We listened many non authorized local stations on FM band & FIBS, Malvinas Islands on medium wave (530 Khz)
The participants were the local DXers Victor Castaño, Horacio Nigro & Moises Knochen and Hector Goyena and me from Argentina
Receivers: three Degen DE1103, a Sony ICF2010, a Ten Tec, a Philips 2910 & a Philco Transglobe.
Antenne: dipole

Most interesting tips on shortwave:

4950 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 2308-2312, February 09, Portuguese, talk by male, report, 24242

5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2315+, February 09, French, local songs, short annmt., 23332

6307 Radio Cochiguaz, 0010-0020, February 10, Spanish, very nice andean songs and music. Many identifications as: "Esta es Radio Cochiguaz..."; "Esta es Radio Cochiguaz, desde algun lugar de Sudamerica....Radio Cochiguaz, desde algun lugar de Sudamenrica", ID in english: ".....programme.....Radio Cochiguaz...", 24332/34343.- AM mode transmission

4635 Tajik Radio, Dushambe (Yangi Yul),0027-0032, February 10, Vernacular, local music, short ann. by male in vernacular, 24232

(Arnaldo Slaen)